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¡±  ¦Û°Ê¤Æ´Óª«¤u¼t (pdf)

¡±  ³]¬I®â°ö¤§­°·Å¤èªk (pdf)

¡±  ·L¹q¸£±±¨î¨t²Î

¡±  ·Å«Ç·L¹q¸£±±¨î¨t²Î (pdf)

¡±  ²¤¶ (pdf)

¡±  readings (pdf)

¡±  ­«ÂIµ§°O The Plant Photobiology Note

¡±  ²Ä¤@³¹¡B¥Íª«²£·~»P¸ê·½

¡±  ²Ä¤Q³¹¡B³]¬I¶éÃÀ¥Í²£§Þ³N

¡±  Greenhouse Insect Screens

¡±  greenhouse_insect_screens_install

¡±  Insect Screens - Installation

¡±  2002-Influence of screens on fans

¡±  Screening of Greenhouses for Insect Exclusion

¡±  Sizing Insect Exclusion Screens For Greenhouses

¡±  Insect screening for greenhouses

¡±  Comparison of Greenhouse Screening Materials for Excluding Whitefly & Thrips (pdf)

¡±  Insect exclusion from Greenhouses (pdf)

¡±  GH screen for insect control (pdf)

¡±  Choose Screen based on Pest exclusion efficiency (pdf)

¡±  Thrips Management

¡±  Fungus gnats and shore flies

¡±  Thrips

¡±  Whitfly

¡±  Aphids

¡±  INSV (Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus) and Western Flower Thrips

¡±  2003-Ventilation capacity with fans (pdf)

¡±  ASAE-EP566-Guide in selecting Fans (pdf)


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1.   Design parameters for hot weather ventilation of dairy housing: a critical review


2.   Tunnel Ventilation for Freestall Facilities ? Design, Environmental Conditions, Cow Behavior, and Economics (htm)


3.   Environmental temperatures in a tunnel ventilated barn and in an air conditioned barn in florida


4.   Design of high volume low speed fan supplemental cooling system in dairy free stall barns ¡@¡@


5.   Heat stress climatic conditions and the physiological responses of cattle¡@¡@


6.   Effect of sprinkling frequency and airflow on respiration rate, body surface temperature and body temperature of heat stressed dairy cattle ¡@¡@


7.   Assessment of a thermal comfort index to estimate the reduction of milk production casused by heat stress in dairy cow herds¡@¡@


8.   Evaluating the effect of environment in holstein cows under tropical conditions¡@¡@


9.   Association of flooring surface to estrous behavior in lactating dairy cows as determined by radiotelwmetric estrous detection ¡@¡@


10.   Effect of ventilation and misting on behaviour of dairy cattle in the hot season in south Italy ¡@¡@


11.   Effect of utilizing evaporative cooling in tiestall dairy barns equipped with tunnel ventilation on respiration rates and body temperature of lactating dairy cattle¡@¡@


12.   Model for predicting milk production in Jersey cows in hot weather ¡@¡@


13.   Effect of magnetic field during gestation on dairy cows and their calves ¡@¡@


14.   Early detection of calf diseases by automatic recording of behavioral changes¡@¡@


15.   Computer controlled calf rearing ¡@¡@


16.   Dairy environmental management systems - a 3 state pilot test ¡@¡@


17.   Financial implications of facility design¡@¡@


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