Plant Factory – Theory and Practice


Wei FANG1, Wen Ju Yang2

1Dept. of Biomechatronics Engineering

2Dept. of Horticulture

The Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science (Global ATGS)

National Taiwan University


Plant factories (PF) have been expected to contribute to solving global issues related to population, resource and environment by achieving the highest possible yields and quality with the minimum consumption of resources and minimum emission of environmental pollutants in limited land areas with non-fertile soil by fully exploiting the latest advances in science, engineering and technology. This course covers all basic and application aspects of the PF, including design and components of the PF, factors affecting plant growth, physiology of leafy and fruit vegetables, crop cultural practices, engineering economic, literature reviews of light quality and value-added crops related papers, business models and quantitative evaluation of total performance of PF.


Course Outline





Background and introduction of plant factory (PF)

focusing on PFAL (Plant Factory with Artificial Lighting)

Vertical farms search for video through Google or MicroSoft Bing

Urban Ag.News,  UAN-WebSite

Global challenge



System design & Engineering Economic Analysis of the PFAL

System design of plumbing concepts

Overview Plenty  Aerofarm1, 2   Spread Skygreen Skygreen Hub



Properties of the moist air

Software1   LetsGrow   VPD

PsyEqs (Ch.2), Intro.LetsGrow


Environmental factors affecting plant growth I: Air

temperature, humidity and air velocity

Effects of RH&Rt Temp on Ca


Environmental factors affecting plant growth II: Light & CO2

Light intensity, quality and duration and CO2

Effect of photoperiod and CO2

Light recipes, UV and FR

Phytochrome PhotoEquilibrium

B&R_light,2ndary metab

Oedema, FR_disease_resistant


Environmental factors affecting plant growth III: Water & Nutrients

Hydroponics: Growers’ guide and recipes

What is Hydroponics    How it works

symptoms of nutrient deficiencies in hydroponics lettuce

Floating hydroponics


Automatic Growing System

from hydroponics to bioponics


Automation in GH and in PFAL (old and new: SananBio, Autocrop)

Bowery  Cubic Farm  Convey


Hands on: preparation and sowing (Assembly/growing process)



Plant physiology: fundamentals (by Prof. Yang)



Plant physiology: leafy vegetables (by Prof. Yang)



Plant physiology: fruit vegetables (by Prof. Yang)



Hands on: spacing, transplanting, harvesting, Cleaning



Business models of PFAL



PFAL simulator

xlsx for PFAL simulator

xlsx for Pn simualtor


Total Performance Evaluation (TPE) of PFAL (ppt1, ppt2)

xlsx for TPE of PFAL


Final report by students







1.        Fang, W. 2016. Chapter 3. PFAL business and R&D in the world: current status and perspectives. Chapter 3 of Plant factory-An Indoor Vertical Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production. Elsvier Inc. ISBN: 978-0-12-801775-3.

2.        Fang, W. 2016. Chapter 21. Business models for PFAL in Taiwan. Chapter 21 of LED lighting for Urban Agriculture. Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-18466.

3.        Kozai Toyoki, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Eric S. Runkle 2016. LED lighting for Urban Agriculture. Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-18466.

4.      Kozai Toyoki, Genhua Niu, Michiko Takagaki 2016. Plant factory-An Indoor Vertical Farming System for Efficient Quality Food ProductionElsvier Inc. ISBN: 978-0-12-801775-3.

5.      Kozai Toyoki 2018. Smart Plant Factory-The Next Generation Indoor Vertical Farms. Springer. ISBN 978-981-13-1064-5.

Published papers

1.      Chung H.Y., M. Y. Chang, C. C. Wu, and W. Fang. 2018. Quantitative evaluation of electric light recipes for red leaf lettuce cultivation in Plant Factories. HortTechnology 28(6):755-763.

2.      Kong, S. W., H. Y. Chung, M. Y. Chang and W. Fang. 2015. The contribution of different spectral sections to increase fresh mass of Boston lettuce. HortScience 50(7) 1006-1010.

3.      Hui-lian Xu, Qicong Xu, Fenglan Li, Yanzhong Feng, Feifei Qin, Wei Fang. 2012. Applications of xerophytophysiology in plant production—LED blue light as a stimulus improved the tomato crop. Scientia Horticulturae 148 2012 190–196.

4.      Chang, M.Y., W. Fang, P.H. Wu, C.C. Chen. 2011. Effect of artificial light supplement in transcontinental sea cargo on the flowering of young spiking Phalaenopsis. Acta Horticulturae 907:277-282.

5.      Fang, W., C.C. Chen, Y.Y. Lee, M.Y. Chang. 2011. Development of LED lids for tissue culture lighting.  Acta Horticulturae 907:397-402.

6.      Wu, C.C., S.T. Hsu, M.Y. Chang, W. Fang. 2011. Effect of light environment on runner plant propagation of strawberry. Acta Horticulturae 907: 297-302.

7.      Lee, Y.Y. and W. Fang. 2011. Effect of 6 different LED light qualities on the seedling growth of Paphiopedilum orchid in vitro. Acta Horticulturae 907:389-392.

8.      Lee, Y.Y. and W. Fang. 2011. Histological observation on the growth of potato plantlet in vitro under 6 different light qualities. Acta Horticulturae 907: 393-402.