Red LEDs to Grow Lettuce MetaEfficient
Improving Spinach, Radish, and Lettuce Growth under Red Light-emitting Diodes (LEDs) with Blue Light Supplementation (HortScience)
Green-light Supplementation for Enhanced Lettuce Growth under Red- and Blue-light-emitting Diodes (HortScience)
Lettuce Production under LED (ppt)
Reconfigurable LED Lighting System Development Potential Energy Savings for CEA (HortScience)
Insect Trap Catch Improvement with Light-Emitting Diode Modification (HortScience)
Effect of Visible Light Wavelengths on the Population Growth Rate of the Two-spotted Spider Mite (HortScience)
Web site
Agro LED System
New lighting alternative for GH (pdf)
Plant studies and responses with LEDs (ASHS HortTalk, 2007)
CCS LED Systems (ASHS HortTalk, 2007)
LEDs what are they (ASHS HortTalk, 2007)
LEDs in horticulture (ASHS HortTalk, 2007)
E30-LED Chambers (ASHS HortTalk, 2007)
Spectral Quality Effects on Plant Bioprotectants (ASHS HortTalk, 2007)
LED應用於生物產業 v.6 (ppt) - 光電協進會 PIDA-2007
LED應用於生物產業 v.11 (ppt) - 台灣大學 - 2009)
光線捕魚 (wmv 4.83 MB)
NASA LED應用由太空農業到生物醫療 (wmv 32.5 MB)
Urban Organic Farming - 1 (mpeg)
Urban Organic Farming - 2 (ppt)
立體化農場與植物工廠 (V5)