國家圖書館索書號:系統編號: 90NTU00404052
     研究生:邱繼哲Chiou, Jih-Jer
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    論文名稱:Passive Cooling Design Induced by Ventilation in
Buildings and Bioenvironmental Facilities—A Case Study
of Double Envelope with Air Flow Gap
    指導教授:侯文祥Hou, Wen-Shang
     關鍵字:太陽輻射solar radiation
傳博牆trombe wall
自然通風natural ventilation
雙層外殼double envelope
冷房負荷cooling loads
誘導式冷卻passive cooling
構造之隔熱基本能力1.5 W/m2℃。

Taiwan is a sub-tropical country with hot and humid climate. During the
summer, a large amount of air condition facilities and mechanical ventilation
energy are used to improve indoor comfort of buildings and bioenvironmental
facilities in bioproduction. Lots of efforts are devoted for the purposes of
improving indoor thermal comfort, reduce heat gains from buildings envelope
and to decrease cooling energy. The present research presents passive
ventilation design by adopting double envelope construction with air flow
gaps. The influence of ventilation rates and construction models is studied
experimentally and numerically. The study is to evaluate the insulation
performance and energy consumption of double envelope construction with
effective air gap thermal resistance, thermal conductance and solar radiation
cooling loads.
Fifty different kinds of envelope elements are tested under different kinds of
ventilation rate and construction models in this experiment. The purpose of
the study is to analyze the temperature distribution, air velocity, air change
rate, heat gains, thermal resistance, thermal conductance and solar radiation
cooling loads. Using numerical steady model to calculate the surface, average
and outlet temperature of air gap, and to acquire the effective air gap
thermal resistance.
The results of this research are summarized as follows:
Without any mechanical ventilation system, experimental results shows that the
natural ventilation of air flow gap can reduce about 76% solar radiation
cooling loads and 74.3% of heat gains. Comparision between simulated and
experimental results showed a good record, therefore the numerical model is
valid. At a fairly conservative estimate, the solar radiation cooling loads
can reduce up to 67.5% than those eight types envelope widely used nowaday.
The thermal conductance is changed to one third of the original type envelope.
The research shows that the double envelope construction with air flow gap is
a effective way to reduce the solar radiation cooling loads of buildings and
bioenvironmental facilities.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
1.1. 研究動機與目的……………………………………………1
1.2. 文獻回顧…………………………………………………...2
1.2.1. 中文相關文獻…………………………………………………2
1.2.2. 英文相關文獻…………………………………………………8
1.3. 文獻歸納……..…………………………………………………16
1.4. 研究範圍....……………………………………………………18
1.5. 研究流程..…………………………………………………20
1.6. 研究內容概要….…………………………………………………21
第二章 理論探討……………………………………………………23
2.1. 建築熱環境……………………………………………………23
2.1.1. 室外熱環境…………………………………………………….23
2.1.2. 室內熱環境…………………………………………………….26
2.1.3. 熱環境控制…………………………………………………….28
2.2. 建築熱傳理論…………………………………………………30
2.2.1. 建築物熱平衡………………………………………………….30
2.2.2. 熱傳基本現象………………………………………………….31
2.2.3. 建築物熱傳計算……………………………………………….33
2.3. 外殼構造與外殼輻射熱獲得冷房負荷………………………………….40
2.3.1. 建築物外殼隔熱控制原則…………………………………….40
2.3.2. 常見建築物外殼隔熱構造…………………………………….41
2.3.3. 外殼輻射熱獲得冷房負荷………………………………….42
2.4. 誘導式冷卻設計………………………………………………44
2.4.1. 誘導式冷卻技術簡介………………………………………….44
2.4.2. 雙層外殼內置流動空氣層構造……………………………….45
2.5. 穩態模式…………………………………………………………48
2.5.1. 模式假設………………………………………………………48
2.5.2. 方程式推導……………………………………………………49
2.5.3. 模式計算前之討論……………………………………………52
2.5.4. 解聯立非線性方程式…………………………………………53
第三章 實驗方法…………………………………………………………...54
3.1. 實驗裝置………………………………………………………………54
3.1.1. 實驗箱體設計與尺寸…………………………………………55
3.1.2. 模擬太陽輻射之鹵素燈泡裝置………………………………57
3.1.3. 強制對流導風通道裝置………………………………………61
3.1.4. 實驗場地配置…………………………………………………62
3.2. 實驗儀器連線與量測方法……………………………………64
3.2.1. 實驗儀器連線…………………………………………………64
3.2.2. 實驗量測儀器…………………………………………………64
3.2.3. 儀器量測點位…………………………………………………67
3.2.4. 外氣溫度及空氣流速量測方法………………………………68
3.3. 實驗材料與外殼模組型式……………………………………69
3.3.1. 實驗材料性質…………………………………………………70
3.3.2. 實驗外殼模組構造型式…………………………………………71
3.4. 預備測試……………………………………………………73
3.4.1. 實驗箱體內溫度濕度變化……………………………………74
3.4.2. 導風通道風速穩定性測試……………………………………75
3.4.3. 實驗場地室內風速變化………………………………………76
3.5. 實驗條件與操作流程………………………………………….76
3.5.1. 實驗設定條件…………………………………………………..76
3.5.2. 實驗流程與步驟……………………………………………78
第四章 實驗結果…………………………………………………….…..80
4.1. 實驗模組穩態模式分佈…………………………………………..80
4.2. 空氣層等效熱阻..…………………………………………………..86
4.3. 實驗箱體熱獲得量…………………………………………….…....89
4.4. 外殼輻射熱獲得冷房負荷..…………………………………...…..93
第五章 綜合分析與討論…………………………………………………….97
  5.1. 實驗參數綜合分析……………………………………………… 97
 5.1.1. 實驗模組溫度分佈……………………………………………97
 5.1.2. 外殼構法對空氣層換氣率之影響.……………………………99
 5.1.3. 空氣層換氣率對實驗箱體熱獲得量之影響…………………103
 5.1.4. 空氣層換氣率與空氣層等效熱阻之關係……………………105
  5.2. 隔熱性能與節能效果…………………………………………….106
   5.2.1. 隔熱性能比較………………………………………………106
   5.2.2. 節能效果比較……………………………………………109
  5.3. 穩態模式分析………………………………………………..111
   5.3.1. 模式計算流程……………………………………………111
   5.3.2. 模式計算結果與驗證……………………………………111
  5.4. 範例模擬………………………………………………………...116
   5.4.1. 範例選定與環境設定……………………………………116
   5.4.2. 模式計算結果探討…………………………………………120
第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………124
6.1. 結論…………………………………………………………………124
6.2. 後續研究建議…………………………………………………………125
6.3. 實際應用建議…………………………………………………………125
附錄1 預備測試基本資料……………………………………………….134
附錄2 實驗結果基本資料……………………………………………….139
附錄3 模式計算MATLAB程序式…………………………………………..199
附錄4 實驗量測CR10資料記錄器程式碼………………………..…201
附錄5 實驗現場照片……………………………………………………….209

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