2. Plan to be used for a research report

A paper reporting the results of research should be organized in the following order:

2.1. Heading

Heading of the report comprises:

1.           Title of the paper in bold capitals, concise and without abbreviations.

2.           Plant names either in Latin (in italics and not underlined) or in the language of the paper.

3.           Author’s name, without titles.

4.           Name and address of the Institute.

5.           Reference number, if any, of research project or publication in the research organization.

Do not refer to footnotes in the heading.

2.2. Abstract

An English abstract is required. If the paper is in French, an English title must be mentioned at the head of the abstract in English. It should contain the statement of the problem and the results in short. Therefore make it concise and comprehensive, limited to 200-300 words.

The abstract is all most readers will ever read of your article !

2.3. Keywords

At least five to seven key words not used in the title, mention also species (common and scientific names), chemicals, physiological and pathological terms.

2.4. Introduction

This should include scope and statement of the problem and survey of previous work, if any, for a good understanding. Furthermore object and purpose of the investigation.

2.5. Materials, Methods, Experiments

Describe very concisely the plant materials, the growing technique, methods used and lay-out of experiments.

2.6. Results

These should be presented in a logical and objective form. State conclusions as established facts, but reserve interpretations and speculations for the discussion.

2.7. Discussion

Interpret your conclusions and discuss their significance, their possible identity with or discrepancy from previous findings. Try to answer the questions as formulated in the introduction. Try to give an outlook for future research.

2.8. Acknowledgements

These are only made for significant contributions by special funds, commercial firms or the author’s professional associates.

2.9. References

Use the following ways to make references in the text:

author (year)

(author, year)

in case there are two or more authors for the same publications:

first author et al. (year).

In the references, list the authors in alphabetical order, subsequently in chronological order for publications of the same author(s).

References have the following lay-out:

for journals:

author(s), year, title, journal, volume number, (issue number): page-page

for books:

author(s), year, title, (editor), publisher, address, pages referred to

Abbreviation of journal names according to the "List of scientific and technical serial publications regularly seen in the compilation of Horticultural Abstracts, vols. 36-40, 1966-70", which appeared in Hort. Abst. vol. 40, 1970, index pages 225-238.

2.10. Attachments

Tables (see model):
Use tables sparingly. A title is given directly above each table providing sufficient information to keep all column headings short. Place all heading to the left of their column.
The size of the table should not exceed the standard page width and length (see page lay-out).
Graphs and line drawings (see model):
send originals and do not use copies ! All graphs and drawings should be in black ink only. Keep in mind that the size might be reduced for printing, so the text should also allow reduction.
Make sure to include clear and perfect pictures. (for budgetary reasons colour photographs will only be printed in colour after special agreement with the convener)