1. General Information on the paper

1.1. Length of the paper.

As a rule the length of the paper should not exceed 8 pages, attachments included. Rules for the format are given in 1.4 and must be followed strictly.

1.2. Language, units, abbreviations.

The official language of the series Acta Horticulturae is English.

Explain abbreviations when used for the first time and use the metric system exclusively.

1.3. Reprints.

Reprints of your paper can be ordered from the ISHS Secretariat using the order form for reprints.

Orders should be sent to the ISHS Secretariat and not to the convener of the Symposium. Reprints will only be printed after the ISHS Secretariat receives the reviewed and edited manuscripts from the convener.

Remember: payment should be made together with the order. Price depends on the length of your paper. Orders for which no payment is received will not be printed. Most convenient way of payment is to fill out the "Credit Card Authorization" part on the order form.

1.4. Page Lay-out.

Headings of Paragraphs and Sub-Paragraphs should be numbered using the decimal system for example: 1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1. and 1.1.2.

Titles of Paragraphs should be underlined. Titles of Sub-Paragraphs should not be underlined.

Try to omit the use of footnotes in the text as well as in the tables.